Benefits of Using a Virtual Mailbox for Your Business

June 03, 2021

A virtual or digital mailbox can be a powerful tool for any business, no matter its size, type, or location. Virtual mailboxes can help business owners streamline their operations while saving time and money. 

If you've been wondering if a virtual mailbox is right for your business, we've got the facts to help. Keep reading to discover the top 10 benefits of using a virtual mailbox for your business.

1. Offers Additional Safety During Quarantine

The Coronavirus Pandemic has given many businesses reasons to adapt, including in how they send or receive their mail. With scattered workers and intermittent services amid COVID-19, a virtual mailbox could provide you with an uninterrupted and streamlined mail receiving service. 

Virtual mailboxes also allow you to view your letters remotely. These touchless mail scans mean you can read and organize your mail without ever having to leave your home or touch potentially contaminated surfaces.

2. Works Anytime With 24/7 Online Access

Unlike the post office, your virtual mailbox never closes. As soon as your mail is delivered and scanned, you will have instant access to view it online. This can be especially helpful if you are waiting for an essential piece of mail, like a check, client response, or other time-sensitive information such as permits or invoices. 

A virtual mailbox also means you can tackle your mail on your own schedule. You'll never be forced to sit around your home or office waiting for a package to arrive.

3. Gives You Worldwide Access to Your Mail

Thanks to the internet, much work can now be done entirely online. Whether you're a small business that works in multiple states or an online entrepreneur that likes to travel, a virtual mailbox helps consolidate your mail into one place, giving you quick, easy access to your mail from your smartphone or laptop. Virtual mailboxes may also help keep mail delivery coming as more employees begin to work remotely.

4. Provides Package Signature, Receiving, & Forwarding Services

If your business tends to receive a lot of packages that require a signature or someone to be at work to receive your mail, a virtual mailbox could help. Virtual mailboxes are staffed by professionals who can reliably sign for and store your packages. Additionally, package forwarding allows you to send the package to any client or employee, both domestically and internationally.

5. Improves Mail Security & Privacy

In a business with multiple employees, mail can pass through many hands before arriving on your desk. Virtual mailboxes receive mail directly from the carrier, then each piece of mail is tagged, scanned, and securely stored. 

This reduces the possibility of mail being lost, misplaced, or stolen. It also cuts down on the chances of your information falling into the wrong hands, including identity thieves and scammers. Likewise, most virtual mailboxes offer an encrypted user interface for viewing your mail online — helping limit your exposure to online theft and piracy.

6. Eliminates Clutter & Junk Mail

The reality of any mailbox is that tons of the mail you receive is junk. If you are tired of your mail adding clutter to your desk or office, a virtual mailbox can send unwanted mail to the shredder without you ever needing to touch it. As digital scans help you quickly identify what's trash and what's important, a virtual mailbox can reduce the time you spend throwing out junk mails.

7. Adds a Professional Look & Feel to Your Business

Are you a small or at-home business that is still using your home address for your business packages and letters? Virtual mailboxes add a professional appearance to your business by keeping your home and business life separate. Unlike P.O. boxes, a virtual mailbox can give your business a real, physical street address to share with potential clients, customers, and vendors.

8. Increases Efficiency & Organization

Most virtual mailbox providers offer same-day scans, which means quick and easy access to all your incoming mail. Virtual mailboxes work a little bit like email. Once you have the mailbox set up, each piece of mail will be tagged, scanned, and uploaded in an online interface or app. You will be able to view all your mail at a glance and quickly assign the next steps, including shredding, storage, or forwarding.

9. Saves Money by Consolidating Multiple Address & Shipping Costs

Outsourcing your mailbox can save you money by freeing up time to focus on what matters most for your business. If you operate out of multiple locations, a virtual mailbox can help save you money by consolidating incoming mail. You can ship everything to a single site that is professionally-managed to receive, store, and forward your business mail — potentially saving you a lot of money in shipping, wages, and management costs.

10. Frees Up Time With Easy Online Access & Signup

Business owners and entrepreneurs often don't have a minute to spare. If you're sick of wasting time on your mail, you may want to consider setting up a virtual mailbox sooner rather than later. Whether you're in-between meetings or want to scan through it before bed, your mail is online and ready anytime, anyplace you are. 

Improve Your Business With a Virtual Mailbox Today!

If you are ready to enjoy the benefits of a virtual mailbox, then SnapMailbox is here to help! We've set out to make the virtual mailbox easy and affordable for small business owners and have worked hard to ensure every step of the process is simple and straightforward. Check out our affordable business plans today to learn more, and don't forget to ask about our no-risk, 30-day free trial when you sign up.